Property Details
Single Family
3358 Sq. Ft. (Approx)
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MLS#: PRICE: $357,500
SQFT: 2,346 BEDS: 3 BATHS: 2/1
ADDRESS: 3061 West 92nd Avenue
Unit 3A
Westminster, CO 80031
STATUS: active
MLS#: 3833138 PRICE: $489,900
SQFT: 2,279 BEDS: 4 BATHS: 2/1
ADDRESS: 11036 Oakland Drive
Henderson, CO 80640
STATUS: sold
MLS#: 6857567 PRICE: $544,990
SQFT: 1,890 BEDS: 3 BATHS: 2/1
ADDRESS: 19593 E Hollow Creek Drive
Parker, CO 80134
STATUS: sold
MLS#: 3132047 PRICE: $0
SQFT: 1,429 BEDS: 2 BATHS: 1/1
ADDRESS: 123 Black Bear Trail
Golden, CO 80403
STATUS: sold
SQFT: 973 BEDS: 2 BATHS: 1/0
ADDRESS: 9725 East Harvard Avenue
unit 462 BB
Denver, CO 80231
STATUS: active
MLS#: PRICE: $760,000
SQFT: 3,547 BEDS: 5 BATHS: 3/1
ADDRESS: 10583 Oakmoor Circle
Parker, CO 80134
STATUS: active
SQFT: 2,623 BEDS: 4 BATHS: 3/1
ADDRESS: 18969 East Garden Drive
Aurora, CO 80015
STATUS: active
SQFT: 4,030 BEDS: 0 BATHS: 0/0
ADDRESS: 9908 Derby Way
Parker, CO 80134
STATUS: active
SQFT: 954 BEDS: 0 BATHS: 0/0
ADDRESS: 2831 Quebec Street
Denver, CO 80207
STATUS: active
SQFT: 1,790 BEDS: 0 BATHS: 0/0
ADDRESS: 13372 Ash Circle
Thornton, CO 80241
STATUS: active
SQFT: 720 BEDS: 0 BATHS: 0/0
ADDRESS: 1662 South Blackhawk Way
Unit A
Aurora, CO 80012
STATUS: active
MLS#: 8064454 PRICE: $335,000
SQFT: 1,371 BEDS: 3 BATHS: 2/1
ADDRESS: 10650 Durango Place
Longmont, CO 80504
STATUS: sold
SQFT: 0 BEDS: 0 BATHS: 0/0
ADDRESS: 12644 East Kansas Place
Aurora, CO 80012
STATUS: active
MLS#: 8161119 PRICE: $374,900
SQFT: 1,579 BEDS: 3 BATHS: 2/0
ADDRESS: 2324 Oakland Street
Aurora, CO 80010
STATUS: sold
SQFT: 3,490 BEDS: 4 BATHS: 3/0
ADDRESS: 17300 East Trailmaster Drive
Parker, CO 80134
STATUS: active
MLS#: 2902478 PRICE: $459,900
SQFT: 2,735 BEDS: 3 BATHS: 4/0
ADDRESS: 19031 East Hollow Creek Drive
Parker, CO 80134
STATUS: sold
MLS#: 9005044 PRICE: $707,000
SQFT: 3,055 BEDS: 5 BATHS: 3/1
ADDRESS: 14016 West 59th Place
Arvada, CO 80004
STATUS: sold

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When your ready, or if you know someone who is, contact me at once to save your equity, get a quarter percentage of your closing cost paid by me, and be represented by an experienced agent.


Marc Thurston


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