1082 South Kittredge Way, Aurora, CO 80017
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Agent Will Hamm

Agent Will Hamm (Ph: 303-358-1147) is listing 1082 South Kittredge Way, Aurora, CO 80017, MLS ID: 5714739
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My Listings (2)

Garage at 15651 E Custer Place, Aurora, CO 80017, listed by Will Hamm, MLS ID: 1827385
15651 E Custer Place, Aurora, CO 80017
1,358 Sqft
3 beds
3/0 baths
MLS 1827385
$ 535,000
15789 E Greenwood Drive, Aurora, CO 80013, listed by Will Hamm, MLS ID: 8003829
15789 E Greenwood Drive, Aurora, CO 80013
1,768 Sqft
3 beds
2/1 baths
MLS 8003829
$ 496,000