I fell in love with the beautiful and Colorful Colorado when I moved here in 1985. I then moved from Northern Colorado to the Denver Metro area in 2002. 

I am here to provide you with exceptional customer service and market knowledge to help you buy your dream home and/or sell your current home.

My professional experience includes the hospitality industry and television sales. As an entrepreneur, I founded Lady Hitch Singles and Grammy Connie’s Etiquette Bootcamp. As Lady Hitch, I hosted my own radio show and contributed weekly articles to an online magazine.

My entrepreneurial career has literally driven me all over the metro area and up and down the front range, so I know it well. What ever it may be that your lifestyle calls for, rest assured you will find it here and I am happy to help.

Having worked in the hospitality industry for nearly ten years, I learned that the “people business” is what I love. Having been dubbed the “Queen of Customer Service”, I use those skills to represent buyers and sellers, navigating with them through one of the most important events in a person’s life, the purchase of your new home.

As a proud mom and mother-in-law of combat veterans and stepmother to three active-duty airmen, I am honored to work with veterans and active-duty service people.

Timing is everything; I’m glad we connected.

Me enamore con el bellisimo y vistoso estado de Colorado cuando me mude aqui en 1985. Luego me ubique en al area metropolitana de Denver en el 2002.

Estoy aqui para proveerle servicio excepcional y conocimiento del mercado para ayudarle a compara la casa de sus suenos, y/o vender su casa actual.

Mi experiencia profecionista incluye la industria de hospitalidad y ventas de publicidad. Como emprendedora, funde Lady Hitch Singles y Grammy Connie’s Etiquette Bootcamp. Come Lady Hitch, anfitrione my propio show de radio y contribui como columnista semanalmente a una revista electronica.

Mi Carrera empresaria literalmente me a llevado a todo el area metropolitano, y de arriba a abajo del rango frontal, asi que lo conosco bien. Lo que sea que su estilo de vida le llame, este seguro que lo encontrara aqui y estoy encantada en servirle.

Habiendo trabajado el la industria hotelera cerca de diez años, reconoci que “el negocio de la gente” es lo que amo. Haber siendo llamada la “Reina del Servicio al Cliente”, yo uso esas habilidades para representar a compradores y vendedores, navegando con ellos uno de los mas importantes eventos en la vida de una persona, la compra de su nuevo hogar.

Como madre y suegra orgullosa de veteranos de combate, y madrastra de tres aviadores en servicio activo, me siento honrada de trabajar con veteranos y personas en servicio military activo.

El tiempo lo es todo; me agrada que nos conectamos.


My Listings (1)

2567 Fairplay Street, Aurora, CO 80011, listed by Connie Hewitson, MLS ID: 8593753
2567 Fairplay Street, Aurora, CO 80011
1,844 Sqft
4 beds
3/0 baths